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     Federation Of               Conscious           Universal Survival

An organization dedicated to the survival and preservation of planetary consciousness across the galaxy. It is our belief that all life forms have an equal and important part to play in the health and well being of our collective world.


We offer new ideas in survival, organization, and development of alternative thinking.


Links to, conscious products, radical solutions, self help sites, survival skills, healers, and music for the advancement of mind full perception.


Links to sponsored youtube shows:

Life styles of the Unemployed

Galactic Queen Speaks

Documentary works


An information center for seeking truth and sharing knowledge



Plus an online store to help develop revenue for research and sponsored projects


F.O.C.U.S. is here to help recreate a reality that works for the good of all and the good of the universe.


Conscious choices for a conscious future.















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We the “Federation Of Conscious Universal Survival” invite all beings to read and ponder this proposition.  Within the context of this ideal, feel free to send us your suggestions and thoughts in order to help create this very important guideline for the future of our home, mother earth.




We the people of the Federation Of Conscious Universal Survival, in order to protect and preserve all living matter of the great mother, write this document for the silent voice of our beloved planet.

Our alliance in writing this manuscript is for the sole purpose of protecting and preserving the Earth, so she will never again suffer at the hands of her children.

We light conscious beings speak up for the silence of nature that cannot defend herself in words against those who claim to be the more intelligent species of the planet.

We are the interpreters of the earth’s rights and thus proclaim the following in order to assure a continued and healthy planet, safe from destruction, pollution, abuse, unkindness, selfishness, greed and waste.

We will act as the orators of Earth to uphold the respect of our life-giving environment, support her power and strength, and be the wise attendants to her vulnerable nature and

Unconditional love.




  • She has the right to build a healthy environment and flourish in her glory, to change and evolve as needed in her own natural way.

  • She has the right to offer freely: fresh water, air and a clean environment to all her  inhabitants for the necessity of life.

  • She has the right to her landmasses without interruption, in order to create a diverse and functional ecosystem.

  • She has the right to adapt and achieve purpose without being genetically altered and destroyed.

  • She has the right to create, and own her creations without outside claims of ownership.

  • She has the right to be free and at peace.

  • She has the right to reward her creatures and creations with a home that is safe, clean, and pure.




Nature is perfection; her body consists of a delicate mixture of diverse life forms, each with a purpose that depends upon the other. Without all integral parts, the perfection is warped and begins to dysfunction on levels that the human race can not possibly predict.


Human selfishness and greed has caused extinction of many integrated organisms. Most of humanity is out of balance and without a conscious understanding of life; and they will fail as her protectors. In altering the nature of our world with that she does not intend, without the proper time and testing of the nature of that created life, we put her in danger of malfunction.


     We must begin to recognize that we are nothing without everything. The air we breathe

unite’s us at the beginning of life, the thoughts we think are a part of the heart and      consciousness of the universe. We must recognize that we do have the power within each and every one of us to feel these wrongs as our responsibility. To stop supporting that which does not serve life and begin to live and coexist with a new belief directed from our hearts. We have the intelligence to create respectfully,  a new and beautiful standard of life.




  • No natural plant, animal, insect or life form of any kind, can be patented, cloned or destroyed, by or for the invention and profit of mankind. The cross breeding of animals with plants or two animals that under normal circumstances would never breed, will be stopped for humanitarian purpose and respect for life. There is to little known of how it can effect the animal itself, in physical or mental disorders

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  • All forms of Terminator technology will be put to a halt. super trees, super weeds, super pests, animal  bio-invasions and all other experimentation that threatens to interfere with our natural organic world.

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  • The science of taking genes from one species of plant or animal and inserting them into another  is an unnatural act of creation, that can pose a serious threat to biodiversity and our own health. To reinvent nature without concern to related species, can only create dangerous new plant and animal diseases, epidemics of catastrophic proportions.

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Gene guns will be banned. To aim them at the heart of each cell or its nucleus, where the depth of life and consciousness lives, is a form of murder This does violence to that innate consciousness, the life principle in nature, “


All forms of animal cruelty will be stopped, including, the cruel conditions under which the meat industry is known to operate. Unhealthy, overcrowded conditions, unnatural foods, hormone injections, cruel deaths in the slaughter houses, inhumane experination,  and lab testing..


No natural  resource can be owned by a corporation or individual and rerouted for capital gain. The earths water supply is here to be shared by all life forms. To collect and monopolize a natural resource that is essential to all living things can cause a catastrophic effect to the mental and physical well being of life..


Off shore oil drilling will be put to a halt, due to its constant history of  environmental death and destruction beyond repair. The operating of such activities with a knowledge of the proven dangers is a form of murder and will be treated a such..


The release and support of new and safe energy sources will go into immediate production.


RFID chipping of animals or humans for any purpose will not be allowed. There is no evidence that this does not effect the psychological well being of the animal.


No animal of any kind will be used as a subject of war or spying. No animal will be used as a messenger of bombs or destructive devices into any regions or territories upon this world.


Humanity will call a halt to the production of chemical warfare, the spraying of any chemicals into the land, water or air.


Reduction of EMF frequencies transmitted through our phones, televisions, radios, microwaves, computers, and any other device that have proved to contain harmful, radiation, gamma rays, and unreasonable frequencies will be cut down by half and slowly discontinued.


The production of unnatural food substances that are directly linked to cancer, death, degenerative diseases, unhealthy growth hormones, super viruses, antibiotic threat, allergies increase, birth defects, poisoning of the immune system, genetic pollution and sterilization will be shut down.


Any industry linked to soil toxicity, pollution, extinction of seed varieties, and the killing of beneficial insects, will be closed down and highly fined in a way that serves the health and well being of the planet.


Natures seeds will be free from corruption, and a portion equaling 15 percent world wide will be let to go to seed and flourish for the food and well being of the non human life forms


Natures boundray’s must be respected, without genetic violation. No Mixing plant with animal, fish with grains, and making a sub species that can not interact with this environment.

All buildings in major cities will have a vegetable, fruit garden to lover the wasteful import of fresh food., a number of trees and a bench for meditation

There will be no more land clearing for human cities farms or roads, 25 percent of all land everywhere will be restored to its natural wealth of plants trees and life forms

Organic purity will be preserved as it is a necessity to the health and welfare of all life forms. Only in  this form, the structure that nature intended will be most most compatible.

Food self-sufficiency will be restored. Diverse cultures have the right to remain independent.

There will be no more buying of agricultural resource.

For health, religious and environmental reasons all GM foods must be labeled. It is a threat to personal freedom and choice.

 "All things are connected like the blood which unites one family. Whatever befalls the Earth befalls the sons [and daughters] of the Earth."

Chief Seattle of the Duwamish Tribe



The Earth shares her creations openly with all life forms, thus no patent can be created that imbalances the true nature and workings of the planetary ecosystem.


  • The life forces of the earth must be allowed to go through their natural cycles in order to generate new life and species. They will be respected without interruption to carry on their purpose and fulfill their part in the living habitat of the earth.


  • No human being, committee or corporation of any kind will be permitted to alter life forms in distorted ways that creates extinction to that life form or any other. Thus all things created by human hands must be within the parameters of respect for the unified health of our world. All life forms and molecules are connected through consciousness and must be recognized as such.


  • No animal form will be lead to a tortured existence under the care of human hands. All life forms must be nurtured with love and respect, no matter of their supposed purpose to humanity or not.


  • For those humans wanting to carry out a carnivorous existence, only animal forms raised in a natural organic and nurturing environment will be the food for human consumption. Those animals must come to a humane end without prolonged suffering.


     Animals living with humans as pets or protectors must be cared for in a respectful        manor and honored as important family members.



  • There will be no more clearing of forests to provide croplands, grazing lands, or building materials of any kind. What forests remain in our world must be left to grow and flourish as nature intended, a living mircocosm for billions of micro organisms, plants and animals.

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  • Pre-existing farmland must be organically attended without harmful pesticide’s that may be deadly to our life-giving planet.


  • No toxins, radiation, chemicals or waste products will be poured into the rivers oceans or streams, buried in the ground, or left unconsciously to pollute the world and destroy life.


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  • All Humanity will be required to study the voice of nature and learn to communicate with her in harmony and love.


  • All human habitats and structures: homes, office, apartment buildings, etc., will be required to have garden rooftops which grow natural foods for the occupants of those structures.


  • Toilets, garbage disposals and house hold cleaners will be adapted to work with the natural environment in more health conscious ways.


  • Recycling waste will become a way of life.


  • There will be no [patenting of natural earth created life forms]. Those things are to be shared and enjoyed by all.


  • There will be no creating of life forms in lavatories for the purpose of replacing, the originals.


  • Schools will restructure their curricula to include meditation, nature languages, organic eating and nutrition, communication with the natural environment, to learn a respect of nature and her healing properties, as an evolved species should.


  • All hunting or fishing will be limited and restricted to the humane death of that animal for the soul purpose of food for survival.


  • Any animal accidentally killed by a human must be given a proper burial through a Spiritual and conscious process.


  • Respect and harmony in visiting natural places must be exercised at all times.


  • If any human finds himself or herself lost in nature: he or she will only take what they exactly require to preserve life in an extreme emergency and only with the consent of the mother.


  • Any corporation or business that poses a threat to life will be shut down and their acquired wealth through such destruction will be placed in the hands of research for the betterment of the planet. A portion of the wealth will be used to correct the wrongs done, and those involved will be put in a position that serves the life it once destroyed





When a company is found to be doing ill for the planet it will be posted for humanity to avoid


When a company is using unorthodox methods in trying to control the world populations food and water supply, they will be given an opportunity to change, and if within 6 months if there is not a drastic effort to improve they will be shut down.


An elected member of great humanity, knowledge and healing will be hired to be at the board meetings of all troublesome companies to mediate what they can and can not do to our world.


Every home will be outfitted with a water purification system that makes pure drinking water without flouride and harmful additives. Those homes will also be outfitted for recycling gray water for use in gardens, toilets,  and cooling systems.


A slow weeding out of all liquid products that do not use water in a good way


Stop experiments that can potentially destroy life.


Stop allowing yourself to be experimented on by, the FDA, Medical institutions, and make an effort to get back to natural remedies.


All hospitals will be required to have holistic practitioners on board offering humanity a choice. Reiki, Acupuncture, and holistic medicine.


Freeing inventions that have been held from the public to manipulate profit.



Genetic engineering, bio weapons, and or the splicing of genes, may be viewed as a still more perilous outcome of a Cartesian-like approach to nature. We can prevent nuclear disaster or hopefully keep nuclear weapons bottled up. But genetic engineering applies a similar philosophy and creates products intentionally released - with potential chain reactions that may not be stoppable, harmful and destructive.





  Amante Restaurant 123 E 9th Downtown Los Angeles

Speakers Ambasador Bird Yozmet She She

Video presentation of Documentary WHAT WE THINK

Delicious finger food, coffee and tea provided by Amante Restaurant

Drinks avaiiable for purchase

Donations to the cause excepted At venue via cash or Venmo


Contact Ambassador Bird to secure a spot


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